Don't Let a Faulty Heater Get You Down

Don't Let a Faulty Heater Get You Down

Arrange for top-notch heater repair services

You depend on a fully functional heater to keep your home warm and welcoming. That means, when your heater is on the fritz, you need a capable repair team to help you out. Make Modern Heating, Cooling & Plumbing LLC your go-to. We offer professional heater repair services. Whether you own a gas or electric heater, we'll find a fix that lasts. That way you always get warm air when you need it.

With over 15 years of experience, you can trust we'll find a solution for you. Learn more about our repair process by calling 717-945-3705 now.

5 signs your heater needs to be repaired

Not sure if you need our heater repair services? We're here to let you know. A few indicators you need our help include:

  1. Your electric bill is unusually high
  2. Your home has uneven heating and cold spots
  3. Your furnace is making strange noises
  4. Your home has poor air quality
  5. Your heater's pilot light is yellow
If your heater needs to be replaced altogether, we can do that too. Get in touch with us today to find out more.